Friday, March 20, 2015

Homemade Abacus

Home made Abacus

Materials : Wooden  batten (lipping pattil), Pencils, Beads 

Slipper can also be used instead of wooden batten
Using Slipper/Wooden batten :

  • A simple abacus can be made from a used rubber slipper/wooden batten. 
  • Make three equidistant circular holes in a slipper with a shoemaker’s punch, Or drill in wooden batten. They should be just big enough so that a pencil can fit tightly in them. 
  • Stand three pencils in the slipper. Cut the pencils so that only nine beads can be fitted in one pencil. 
  • The pencils represent place value – the right one “units” the middle one “tens” and the left one “hundreds”. 

Below Image represents value '234'

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